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Contact Us

Hi there! If you want to learn to bowl, arrange a lesson, hire a rink, or contact us for any other reason, use the form below or drop us an email at

Name *

Email *


Thanks! Someone from the Club will get in touch with you soon.

If you would like to talk to someone, then use one of the numbers shown below. For lessons in particular, contact Jeanie Davies or Kevin Browne.


Hon. Sec.


Sally Daniells    07875 603917

Rachael Shaw  07946 649384

Kevin Browne    07764 655275



Vice Capt 

Jeanie Davies   07931 132050 

Andy Scott        07745 006386

Ramsay Adams 07919 415161

Alternatively, pop along on when we are playing at home (see the "Fixtures" page for our fixtures or the "Diary" page for these and other events). Someone should be able to find time to have a chat with you. 

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